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Don't Rush - Let Your Relationship Evolve Naturally

That feeling when we first meet someone and the sparks begin to fly - It's the Best! The relationship moves along, we spend all of our time with the our new partner or as much time as we can. When we aren't with them, we anticipate the next time we will hear from them, whether it's via text, phone, social media, etc.

We feel so relieved that we have found our "one" and we rush to get to the end result before actually getting to know that other person and them getting to know us.

By "end result" I mean, rushing to have that title of boyfriend/girlfriend, rushing to live together and even rushing into marriage. Most of us have seen marriages that have happened within weeks or months and we hear of the fairy tale and how it all unfolds. That definitely is possible and there definitely can be a happily ever after in those situations, but MOST of the time -- that is not the norm, nor is it a wise move to progress so quickly.

It takes time to get to know someone inside and out.  If you get there too quickly before getting to really know that person, you’re running the risk of it crashing and burning before it actually makes true progress. Slow down and enjoy the process.

I have made this mistake many times in my past.  Meet someone and being so excited, thinking they are so perfect for me, we are so perfect together, etc.  THEN something happens, we get in an argument or I find traits in that person that aren't what I am looking for - then the crash happens and I am heart broken.

Relationships will evolve naturally and in a healthy way if we allow them to.  There is nothing wrong with being excited in a new relationship and so happy you met this awesome person. BUT allow yourself to think with your brain, not just your heart. The heart part will come in time if this person is truly for you. Build a strong friendship and concentrate on building that true lasting connection, let the commitment come in time when it comes to long term plans.

Take one day at a time, don't stress and enjoy the dating journey! As a general rule, try to not get extremely excited over a new relationship until at least 3 months have passed (that is another blog to come regarding the 3 month trial period). 

As always, I love to share some additional helpful links:

  InnerTalk: Change has never been easier!
