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90-Day Probation Period

Most of us have heard of the 3 month rule or a 90-day probation period. WELL, we all should apply this to dating as well! I once went to a counselor and she told me "most" people cannot pretend for more than 3 months. There is something about the 90-day probation period psychologically and that's why businesses use this method as well.  Of course there are always exceptions to the rules, there are individuals that can pretend for years, but for the most part - true colors start surfacing within those first 3 months.

Consistency of someone's character is crucial to the success of your relationship!  Once you start dating, look for those characteristic traits you want in a partner and also be aware of the characteristic traits you don't want in a partner.

Simple things that you can tell you about a person's character:
  • How does this person treat others (friends, coworkers, waitress/waiter when you go out, etc.)
  • Are they consistent? Do they do what they say they will do?  
  • Respectful/Courteous
  • Communication (calls or texts when they should & easy to communicate with in person one-on-one)
  • Makes you a priority
  • Truthful/Honest
  • Temper or jealousy issues
Of course we all get so excited when we meet someone and we seem so perfect together.  We are so attracted to that person, sparks are flying.  That is the really fun part of dating.  Those are definitely moments to treasure!

I know this is so hard to do, but try your best to let things evolve slowly and try not to get "sold" on this person quite yet.  We have all done it, we feel like we just click with this person and we are so happy we are found "the one" and can stop searching.  I am guilty of this too -- getting way too ahead of myself too early in a relationship.  It is to be expected to feel that rush of butterfly feelings, just try to keep your head in the game too.

Once you are past that 3 month mark and no visible red flags have came out - it's a little bit safer to feel comfortable and keep moving forward with this person.  If red flags have came up, don't make excuses for this person, address these issues within yourself.  Are these issues, things you are ok with or are they unacceptable? Most people don't change, so if you are expecting this person to change or hope they will - you are most likely wasting your time.  My motto is: accept them the way they are or move on. When someone shows their true colors, believe the first time!

Applying this 90-day probation period may just save you a lot of heartache down the road. AND as always, trust your gut instincts.

Another helpful article to read:

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